Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Two

We are in the planning stages of a road trip Back Home (well, back to my home) for this summer.

Seem to be in the planning stages for a lot of things right now...I blame it being the beginning of the year.

But yeah...Five days there, four there to goof off and visit family, and five back again.  We're looking at renting an RV.

I cleaned the downstairs bathroom yesterday...not exactly inspiring work, but I did it.  'Tis a small accomplishment, but it is my accomplishment, so I'll take it.  I also did a ridiculous dance work out in the living room with Wiggles this morning...and yesterday morning.  I am hoping to make it a habit.  I need the exercise.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty

Potty training sucks.

In other news:

I've lost two more lemon seedlings.    That's three out of the pot I put in the laundry room in hopes the warmth would spur them on.

Pear-y Manilow (my pear seedling) is doing better now that he's been moved up with the lemons and grapefruit in my "purple" house (it's a greenhouse made of picture frames, but I painted it purple) in the bedroom window.  I suspect it was frostbite that turned part of his leaves black, so moved him to the warm.

Mandarin orange seed seems to be taking...not much change in the last day.

I vastly prefer those peat pod things to the biodegradable pots you start seeds in.  They seem to have more nutrients.  Certainly, of the plants I have started in the pods, most of them have survived, whereas the biodegradable pots don't seem to make it.  I've lost 10 of the 14 lemons I planted in them; the grapefruit, five lemons and Pear-y Manilow (not to mention 5 of 6 apple seedlings) are doing well.

Might have to prune back the sage slightly, it seems to be getting wild.

Aaaaand....the Basil.  One of the plants in there died in the last couple nights.  I'm going to move it away from the window; I think it might be too cold in there finally.

Recent additions to my indoor garden: holly bush (seems to love the cold just fine) and a rosemary bush grown in the shape of a christmas tree.  I have that in the kitchen where it is a little warmer.  Damn thing had better survive, it was $12.

I am also considering getting my Food Safe certificate so I can sell tea and pies at the Farmer's Market this summer.  If this happens and I start a company I can also order the supplies necessary for jams.  Rather exciting prospect.


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Nine

We made a supply run today, to a nearby town where the prices of food aren't quite so...shocking.  Not that they aren't shocking ($114 just for a few groceries!)...just not so shocking as what they would have been had we bought said supplies closer to Base.  Dad and I discussed businesses on the way in.  I feel as though I could make a tea company work around here, though more research is needed.

Among the supplies procured is the fabric necessary to construct my first baby quilt.  It will be done by machine, not hand (I'm not nuts)...I'm rather looking forward to it.

I am also in the planning stages of a blanket based on the progression of temperatures in the area over an entire year.  I am convinced it will consist of a lot of blues and purples (the colours I have chosen for the coldest temperatures).  Its progress will be recorded here...perhaps in 7 day intervals.  I will see.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Six - Part II

The Five Members of the Expedition are as follows:

Dad - Self Explanatory
Mum - Also Self Explanatory (...that's me)
Kiddo - Elder Boy (currently 12)
Wiggles - Middle Girl (currently 3)
Squirm-it - Youngest Girl; aka Snarfles (currently 15 months)

When I first began this memoir, it was only myself, Dad and Kiddo.  Much has happened since then.  I was pregnant with Wiggles at the time (the ultimate reason for the Plague of Sleep), and Squirm-it wasn't even an idea.  I don't believe our Expedition will grow any more in the foreseeable future...

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Six

I have failed in my attempts to document the previous three years, eight months and one week.  We have moved camp twice in that time, and our Expedition has grown to a party of five.

In all of that time, I have learned how to sew (somewhat), started my own forest (mostly of lemon trees), and done practically no crocheting.  Have learned to make lemon meringue pie, though.  I suppose that's a plus.

Also: No matter where you are, the wild sock grows.  It is inescapable.

These entries need a resurrection.  I find myself with renewed interest in writing them.  Perhaps I will continue. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Day Seven

The dishitis has (almost) successfully been purged from the kitchen, and the Wild Sock I found today has yielded a plentiful harvest. I was also successful in removing the dust and hair from the rug via suction device. All in all, a good day

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day Four

This plague of Sleep is devious. The day is wasted as it saps your strength and will to re-harvest the Wild Sock patch you discovered hiding in the bathroom, and by night it deserts you leaves you bored out of your skull without access to dreams. Nature did good job with this one.